The point of a sensual massage is to relax you partner and indulge in some quiet moments. Assuming this is just another form of foreplay pretty much strips the romance behind it. We say this because too many people confuse the real purpose of a sensual massage as something they have to do, rather than something they should want to do. That misses the point entirely and robs what can be a highly pleasurable act of its benefits. You need to understand that. You also need to understand how to actually give a sensual massage. There are specific techniques and positions to use to make this have a full impact. A simple shoulder rub, while nice, is not the same thing. This is about relaxation and, if you choose to take it to that level, arousal. Doing what you would for a neck pain will not work. Instead, you need to have the right accessories and the basic knowledge of how to go about this. For a sensual massage, use these items: Oil: massage oil can add much to the proceedings. Its scents can evoke certain emotions and it will add more to the massage than just using your hands. The purpose of a good massage is to have a purifying effect on the skin, so the oil must ease the movement of massage without any friction on the skin. We can recommend Syence™ Sensual Massage oil. The content of the oil is compatible with the skins natural sebum and will completely disperse upon application of water. The oil contains sesame, jojoba, lavendarand other natural calming oils. Blindfold: often, your partner is blindfolded so that they can more clearly focus on the sensations. When eyes are closed, senses tend to be stronger and that helps here. When you set out to give a sensual massage, it will greatly depend on your partner's preferences. This is usually a full-body treatment (1 Hour ) but, if he or she has certain areas that respond best, you can focus on those. While we can't chart all the techniques for a sensual massage here, we can recommend that you do some simple research. Finding text on this subject is an easy matter and you will have no problem learning the techniques. Of course, you do not necessarily have to learn how to give a sensual massage. You can simply learn from your partner: what do they like? What do they need? Since this is, in most cases, a working of the full body, you should learn how to give everything the same attention. From the temple to the toes, this is about giving comfort. And, yes, we know that may seem strange but it really isn't. Too many people believe a sensual massage is just another road to sex. And it shouldn't be. This is an art form, to put it simply, and it is designed to allow you to shower attention and affection on your partner. The motivation should not just be sex; it should be because your partner needs it. That's the real point and that's what you need to remember.