Massage Directory International (Male/Female)

This is a massage directory international. Helps you to get in touch with masseur, masseuse, establishment, SPA, etc. that deals with relaxation, massage, body works. I don't have any responsibilities of what ever transactions, selections of your choice. I'm just giving you information of what I've learn/knows through the source information of this directory. You may have to check yourself for your safety protection before you finalize your choice for any services rendered by them. Good Luck and enjoy your relaxation...

Massage Therapy available where you can find here for your information.

Xtreme Massage
All Guys performing massage/body works.

Male and Female performing massage/body works. They have some branches through out Philippines location. Please check yourself in their website which location they are available.

Serenity Massage
They offer Massage services at the comfort at your home. Besides for massage services, they offer as well other services. Please visit their website for further information.

Asian Massage - Philippines
Massage offer almost around metro manila area. But they have also some branches at cebu and davao. Please check their website for more details.

Touch of Hands
Offer massage services and other relaxation services. Please check their website.

Black Velvet Massage Services
Please check also this link with regard to their services. It seems quite interesting masseuses. (Please copy the link and paste it in the browser)

My Paradise Spa
This SPA is located in Antipolo City. For more inquiry, please check their websits.

Pink Manila (For Gays who loves to Explore)
This is for GAYS who wants to have some fun!!.. Check the whole website, I'm sure you will be excited for some other information. Good Luck and Enjoy. (THIS IS ONLY FOR GAY PEOPLE) Massage and enjoyment.

The Green SPA
Massage perform by all men. Please check their website for more detail.


Find A Masseur
This is a websites giving you information about masseurs available in your area. Masseurs are registered here in different country location. you can contact them individually.  I'm also member on this organization being international masseur.

Massage Establishment in U.S.A. Are
Please check this link and click the location area where you are. More details on this link. Please check.