Sunday, July 12, 2009


Thousands of years ago, people had achieved a high degree of awareness and an alchemical formula for converting what we know as sex energy -- called by many names, such as Vital Force, Elan Vital, Soul, Chi, etc. -- into a state of divinity.

Their spiritual philosophy held sexuality as a divine rite and an expression of union. Through an awakened consciousness, they practiced Tantra with an artistic and cultural lifestyle of pure bliss and harmony. However, according to Tantric experts, as our planet moved out of the Taurian Age (4300-1700 B.C.) and became masculine and aggressive, it also lost the deep spiritual connection to this vital sexual energy. While sexuality touches every part of lives, it's sad that this most pleasurable, life affirming phenomenon -- the act of creating our birth itself -- is today tainted with fear, abuse and general negativity.

Now, like the spring flower freeing itself from the frozen snow, Tantra is again respected, offering the Aquarian Age a way to reverse the negative energy on the planet and a way to release ourselves and reach transcendence.

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