Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Aromatherapy is the enhancement of mind, body and spirit with the use of aromatic, botanical essential oils. The essential oils (life force) contain both medicinal (healing) and aromatic characteristics and provide tremendous healing and balancing properties.

The oils may be used in baths, as inhalations, compress, massage, and in diffusers for a room.

The oils each have many properties. Most are antiseptic, antibacterial, disinfectant and biotic in nature. Essential oils penetrate the skin quickly into the bloodstream. Note: that is why it is so
important to wear protective gloves and clothing when working with toxic chemicals in our homes and work places.

Essential oils can be absorbed into the lungs through inhalation, as well as through the olfactory system via the nose and sense of smell.

Essential Oils Work on Various Levels


Oils are capable of changing a mood of an individual or room, raising the vibration, or calming if needed. Most people prefer the calming affects.


The oils have a direct affect on specific and general body functions.


Oils may be used in meditation and Chakra balancing.


The oils trigger the release of neuro-chemicals and may unlock memory suppression.

The typical Aromatherapy Massage involves a combination of oils. A general uplifting blend or a general calming blend can be chosen. The massage itself is a firm to gentle Lymphatic Drainage Massage. The Lymphatic Drainage refers to the bodies system that defends the body from disease and toxic substances. It is made up of a widespread network of lymphatic vessels. The body contains lymph nodes which contain cells sensitive to changes in the composition of the lymph. Larger lymph organs include the thymus, tonsils and spleen. The lymph system moves slowly on its own, therefore it is beneficial to ones health to help move it along so that the body may rid itself of toxins. Another way of moving the Lymph is to do Dry Brushing.

Please note that for personal unsupervised use of oils there are precautions to follow. Find a reliable Aromatherapy guide before embarking on your own.

The following is an overview of one essential oil we have all heard of at one time or another:


Lavender is regarded as one of the most useful and versatile oils, generally able to balance and normalize the system regardless of condition. When in doubt use Lavender. The effects on the skin are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing an d new cell growth stimulant. It is effective in treating minor cuts and wounds. Lavender is one of only a few essential oils which may be applied Neat (directly on the skin). Lavender is also effective with colds and flu, scanty periods, nervous system disorders, aches, pai ns, spasms, cramps and rheumatic pain.

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